Transforming cultural exploration, our immersive rooms offer visitors an experiential journey through time and space, bringing history and culture to life in captivating ways.


Immersive Rooms in INFINIA's design philosophy go beyond mere exhibits. By employing VR, AR, and MR technologies, we create entire spaces that encapsulate visitors within specific moments in history, art genres, or cultural phenomena, offering an unparalleled, experiential form of education.

Benefits for Museum and Cultural Institutions: "To meet the need for experiential education in Museum and Cultural institutions, INFINIA's immersive rooms take museumgoers on historical or artistic journeys that are both emotionally engaging and intellectually enriching."

Renaissance Art Gallery

  • Tools Used: Augmented Reality
  • Using AR glasses, visitors can explore a room filled with Renaissance art where holographic artists like Leonardo and Michelangelo appear to discuss their works.
  • Impact: This adds a 'human touch' to art history, enhancing visitors' connection with the artists and their works.

Holocaust Remembrance Room

The Climate Room

  • Tools Used: Virtual Reality
  • Visitors can hold up a touchscreen tablet in front of an ancient artifact. Through augmented reality, the screen overlays information, historical context, and even 3D visualizations that reveal the artifact's inner mechanisms or original color schemes.
  • Impact: This not only educates but also fosters an understanding of the historical significance and technological ingenuity of the time.
  • Tools Used: Mixed Reality
  • In this room, visitors see the real-time effects of climate change through mixed reality—melting glaciers, forest fires, etc., alongside actual physical elements like temperature variations.
  • Impact: The aim is to make the concept of climate change visceral and urgent.

Ancient Egypt Tomb

The Space Room

  • Tools Used: Video Mapping
  • Walk through a physical space mimicking an Egyptian tomb, with video mapping used to animate hieroglyphs and demonstrate burial rituals.
  • Impact: This offers an immersive way to experience history, transforming text-based knowledge into lived experience.
  • Tools Used: VR and Video Mapping
  • Visitors don VR headsets and are taken on a trip through the solar system, while the room around them changes through video mapping to match the celestial bodies they are visiting.
  • Impact: It creates an awe-inspiring sense of scale and wonder, encouraging interest in space science.

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