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INFINIA: Building a Corporate Culture Through Collaboration and Innovation
INFINIA: Building a Corporate Culture Through Collaboration and Innovation
Culture is defined as the sum of shared values, beliefs, and behaviors within an organization. The INFINIA culture is built on core values of honest and transparent communication, trust, creative problem-solving, continuous development, and learning. Working in collaboration and harmony, as well as adopting an innovative mindset, are also fundamental elements of our culture. Collaboration and Innovation in INFINIA Culture INFINIA is derived from "infinite ideas," representing the limitless nature of creativity and innovation. Innovation and thinking differently are not just aspects of what we do at INFINIA—they are embedded in our name and founding purpose. We don’t see innovation as something we need to do our job; rather, we believe that innovation
Artificial Intelligence and Software Technologies: The Latest Trends Shaping the Future
Artificial Intelligence and Software Technologies: The Latest Trends Shaping the Future
It all started in the 1950s with the question, "Can machines think?" Initially, AI research aimed to develop software that could mimic human intelligence. By the 1980s, more advanced systems were tested, but technology at the time was limited. Today, computing power has reached unprecedented levels, and data sources are abundant across various fields. This has enabled AI projects to progress rapidly and continuously. In Turkey, AI development has advanced significantly over the past decade. Universities have established AI departments, and the number of AI startups in technology parks is increasing. In the private sector, major banks and telecommunications companies are utilizing AI to enhance user experiences.
What Are Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS)? Advantages and Processes
What Are Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS)? Advantages and Processes
How Are the Electronic Boards Found in Every Device Produced Today? From our phones to medical devices, the technologies we use in every aspect of our lives involve a complex manufacturing process. So, what is EMS, what advantages does it offer, and how do the production processes work? Let’s dive into the details together.
Eco-Friendly Boat Maintenance with MARISONIA Technology: A Step-by-Step Guide
Eco-Friendly Boat Maintenance with MARISONIA Technology: A Step-by-Step Guide
In today's maritime industry, eco-friendly solutions are becoming increasingly important. Traditional boat maintenance methods are being replaced by more sustainable and innovative systems. MARISONIA technology stands out as a solution that provides long-term protection without harming the marine ecosystem while offering economic advantages to boat owners. This guide will walk you through the solutions MARISONIA offers and step-by-step eco-friendly boat maintenance methods.
What is Video Mapping, and Why is it Used?
What is Video Mapping, and Why is it Used?
In the ever-evolving world of technology solutions, creative tools like video mapping are taking center stage. This innovative technique has redefined how we experience visual storytelling, blending technology and artistry to captivate audiences in ways traditional media cannot achieve. Whether for monumental architecture, marketing campaigns, or immersive art exhibitions, video mapping provides unparalleled creative freedom. This article delves into what video mapping is, its principles, applications, advantages, and how it’s shaping industries globally—including a spotlight on its growing popularity in Türkiye.
What is Immersive Technology? How Will It Shape Our Lives?
What is Immersive Technology? How Will It Shape Our Lives?
Immersive technologies, which are increasingly becoming a part of our lives, provide innovative solutions that allow individuals to experience digital or physical environments as if they were real. The term “immersive” can be translated into Turkish as “surukleyici” (engaging or captivating); however, it encompasses more than simple interaction. These technologies create unforgettable experiences by engaging different senses and fully drawing users into the environment.
Digital Experience Design and User Motivation: Enhancing Interaction in XPZONE
Digital Experience Design and User Motivation: Enhancing Interaction in XPZONE
Today, brands, exhibitions, and museums are redefining themselves by integrating interactive digital experiences that captivate and engage visitors. The key factor in designing this transformation is understanding user motivation encouraging visitors to interact, explore, and engage with gamified experiences through experience technologies. In the fields of experience design and experiential technology, we leverage motivation theories that are rarely discussed yet play a crucial role in understanding user and visitor behavior.
What Is an Ultrasonic Antifouling System, How Does It Work, and What Are Its Applications?
What Is an Ultrasonic Antifouling System, How Does It Work, and What Are Its Applications?
Ultrasonic antifouling is an innovative system that prevents biofouling consisting of unwanted accumulation of algae, mussels, and other marine organisms on the underwater surfaces of vessels. Thus, friction and fuel consumption, and maintenance costs decrease. Unlike traditional methods of all time, Marisonia as an innovative, environmentally friendly solution, uses ultrasonic waves to prevent biofouling instead of toxic chemicals.
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Transformation
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Transformation
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a game-changing technology at the core of digital transformation strategies across industries. It is reshaping how organizations operate, innovate, and engage with customers, enabling them to stay competitive in a fast-paced digital landscape. By leveraging how AI works and
Innovations in IoT Technologies | Trends and Applications Shaping the Future 
Innovations in IoT Technologies | Trends and Applications Shaping the Future 
IoT (Internet of Things) is a network of interconnected devices that communicate with each other and cloud systems. It consists of sensors, data processing software, communication protocols, and cloud infrastructure. In recent years, with the decrease in cost of IoT devices and the advancements in 5G technology these systems become more affordable and accessible.
Innovative Experience Fields | Inspiring Applications and Immersive Technologies
Innovative Experience Fields | Inspiring Applications and Immersive Technologies
Digital transformation is a process that redefines human-machine interaction and elevates spatial perception to a new dimension.
Digital Transformation in Hotels | Smart Hotel Technologies
Digital Transformation in Hotels | Smart Hotel Technologies
Digital transformation in hotels represents a paradigm shift in the hospitality industry's operations. By embracing smart hotel systems, such as Hems, and leveraging technologies like IoT and AI, hotels can provide exceptional experiences while achieving sustainability and efficiency. As seen in digital transformation examples in Turkey, these advancements are not just about staying competitive—they are about shaping the future of hospitality.
The Digital Transformation of Traditional Advertising Methods
The Digital Transformation of Traditional Advertising Methods
The advertising landscape has undergone a seismic shift, transitioning from traditional methods to a digitally-driven approach. The digital transformation in advertising has not only redefined how businesses engage with their audiences but also introduced a range of tools and strategies to enhance efficiency and creativity. By understanding this transformation and its implications, businesses can effectively navigate the modern advertising ecosystem.
How to Design the Best Interactive Display Experience?
How to Design the Best Interactive Display Experience?
Designing a theme park is a multifaceted endeavor that combines creativity, technology, and strategic planning. INFINIA, an design company and a leader in the industry, offers insights into the intricate world of theme park technology design. This comprehensive guide explores the essential elements and innovative approaches that define modern theme park creation.
What is a Video Wall? The Evolution of Video Wall
What is a Video Wall? The Evolution of Video Wall
The video wall concept has transformed how visual information is displayed, providing an impressive and dynamic way to engage audiences. INFINIA, an industry leader, delves into the intricacies of video wall technology, tracing its evolution and highlighting its features. This comprehensive guide covers video walls' definition, evolution, and essential design considerations, ensuring a thorough understanding of this innovative technology.
The Ultimate Guide to Experiential Technology
The Ultimate Guide to Experiential Technology
Experiential technology is revolutionizing the way businesses and organizations engage with their audiences. INFINIA, a leader in the industry, offers an in-depth exploration of experiential technology, its significance, implementation strategies, and the benefits it provides. This guide covers everything from the basics of experiential technology to its building blocks, ensuring a thorough understanding of this innovative approach.
Theme Park Technology Design, How to Design Theme Park
Theme Park Technology Design, How to Design Theme Park
Designing a theme park is a multifaceted endeavor that combines creativity, technology, and strategic planning. INFINIA, an industrial design company and a leader in the industry, offers insights into the intricate world of theme park technology design. This comprehensive guide explores the essential elements and innovative approaches that define modern theme park creation.
Full of inspiring contents where we share the latest news and important developments about INFINIA
INFINIA CEO’su Tugay Güzel: Teknoloji Ekonominin Lokomotifi Olmaya Devam Ediyor
INFINIA CEO’su Tugay Güzel: Teknoloji Ekonominin Lokomotifi Olmaya Devam Ediyor
Günümüz dünyasında ekonomik büyümenin büyük bir kısmını teknoloji şirketleri sağlıyor. Peki, Türkiye bu değişimin neresinde? Savunma sanayiindeki bilgi birikimi sivil sektöre nasıl aktarılabilir? IoT ve yapay zeka çözümleri hangi sektörlerde dönüşüm yaratabilir? Tüm bu soruları teknoloji ve inovasyon alanında faaliyet gösteren bir sektör temsilcisiyle konuştuk.
Ankaralı Mühendislerden Teknoloji Atağı
Ankaralı Mühendislerden Teknoloji Atağı
2012 yılında kurulan INFINIA, mühendislik, tasarım ve inovasyon firması. Sektördeki deneyim ve birikimlerini kullanarak kendi ürünlerini geliştirmeye odaklanan INFINIA, sürdürülebilir, yenilikçi ve çevre dostu teknolojileri benimseyen bir vizyonla hareket etmekte. Tasarım ve mühendislik alanındaki yetkinliklerini birleştirerek çeşitli sektörlere özelleştirilmiş çözümler sunan şirket, Ankaralı iki arkadaşın girişimleriyle hayata geçirilmiş.
INFINIA, QNB için Robotların Hizmet Verdiği Şube Kuruyor
INFINIA, QNB için Robotların Hizmet Verdiği Şube Kuruyor
2012 yılında iki mühendis tarafından kurulan INFINIA, bugün yan şirketleriyle birlikte 350 kişinin istihdam edildiği yazılım ve donanım üreticisi bir yapıya kavuştu. Temel faaliyetlerini ‘teknolojiyi ticarileştirme’ olarak nitelendiren şirket, QNB için Katar’da sadece robotların hizmet verdiği banka şubesi kurdu. Bünyesinde Türkiye’nin ilk ticari uydu ve uzay firması Plan-S’yi de bulunduran Infinia, yerleştirildiği makinenin olası arızasını 1 ay önceden tespit eden bir de sensör geliştirdi.
Küresel Teknoloji Sahnesinde Türk İmzası
Küresel Teknoloji Sahnesinde Türk İmzası
INFINIA CEO’su Tugay Güzel, şirketin 2024 vizyonunu ve 2025 yılında hayata geçirilmesi planlanan projeleri basın mensuplarıyla paylaştı.
INFINIA’dan İhracat Hamlesi
INFINIA’dan İhracat Hamlesi
Sürdürülebilirlik, çevre dostu teknolojiler ve yenilikçi yaklaşımları temel değerleri olarak benimseyen Infinia, havacılık, inşaat, eğitim, enerji, uzay ve finans gibi stratejik alanlarda gerçekleştirdiği projelerle yurtdışına yönelik çalışmalarını hızlandırıyor. Şirket, MENA bölgesindeki inovasyon odaklı projeleriyle hem bölgesel sektörlere değer katmayı hem de sürdürülebilir büyümeyi hedeflerken, uluslararası iş birlikleri ve yenilikçi çözümleriyle sadece bir teknoloji geliştiricisi değil, bölgesel dönüşüm ve global inovasyonun öncü oyuncularından biri olmayı amaçlıyor.
Türkiye’den Çıkan Teknolojiler İhracata Dönüşecek
Türkiye’den Çıkan Teknolojiler İhracata Dönüşecek
Türk mühendislerin imzasını taşıyan teknoloji çözümleri, yenilikçi özellikleriyle farklı coğrafyalarda ihracat başarılarına imza atacak. Nesnelerin interneti (IoT) cihazlarından uydu sistemlerine kadar uzanan teknolojileri tasarlayan, geliştiren ve üreten INFINIA, gelecek yıl bu çözümlerini ihracat başarılarına dönüştürecek.
Askeri Eğitimde Gerçeği Aratmayan Teknoloji İhracatı
Askeri Eğitimde Gerçeği Aratmayan Teknoloji İhracatı
Eğitim teknolojileri ve savunma sanayisindeki yeteneklerin birleştirilmesiyle oluşturulan Sanal Gerçeklik Destekli Askeri Eğitim Alanı, Türkmenistan'a ihraç edildi.
Yeni nesil anti fouling sistemi Marisonia deniz severlerle buluştu
Yeni nesil anti fouling sistemi Marisonia deniz severlerle buluştu
Teknelerde yosun ve kekamoz oluşumunu önleyen yeni nesil antifouling sistemi Marisonia, Bodrum Marina Yat Kulübü’nde düzenlenen lansman etkinliğinde tanıtıldı. Geliştirdiği ultrasonik frekans teknolojisiyle boyaya gerek bırakmadan teknelerin bakım süreçlerini uzatan sistem, katılımcıların yoğun ilgisiyle karşılandı.
Rekor sürede fırlatılan milli uyduların elektronik kartlarının üretildiği tesis büyüyor
Rekor sürede fırlatılan milli uyduların elektronik kartlarının üretildiği tesis büyüyor
Savunma sanayisi, biyomedikal ve enerji sektörlerine hizmet veren, rekor sürede fırlatılan uyduların tüm elektronik kartlarını üreten tesisin kapasitesi ikiye katlanıyor.
Ankara’da geliştirildi İstanbul’da deneniyor
Ankara’da geliştirildi İstanbul’da deneniyor
Dünyada yeni tanınmaya başlayan teknoloji, Türkiye’de ilk kez İstanbul’da düzenlenecek Bosphorus Boat Show kapsamında deneniyor. Ankara’da Ultrasonic Anti Fouling System ile geliştirilen cihaz, suda yaşayan organizmaların suya batırılmış yüzeylere yapışmasını önlemek için ultrason dalgalarının gücünü kullanan bir sistemden oluşuyor.
Dijital eğlence ve deneyim alanı XPZONE Ankara’da açıldı
Dijital eğlence ve deneyim alanı XPZONE Ankara’da açıldı
INFINIA’nın eğlence odaklı deneyim teknolojilerini sergileyeceği yeni ekosistemi INFUN’ın ilk deneyim alanı olan XPZONE’da teknoloji, eğlenceli ve interaktif bir deneyime dönüşüyor.
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