Crafting immersive rooms within retail environments that transport customers into unique brand experiences, fostering emotional connections and memorable encounters.


Immersive rooms within retail spaces offer an unparalleled sensory experience that enhances brand connection. Utilizing VR, LED, and video mapping technologies, these rooms transform retail into interactive playgrounds.

Benefits for Retail and Experiential Marketing: "INFINIA's immersive rooms offer a cutting-edge solution to Retail and Experiential Marketing firms looking to create memorable brand experiences that build customer loyalty and attract media attention."


  • Tools Used: Video Mapping
  • A car gallery-themed room displaying iconic advertising campaigns or brand collaborations.
  • Impact: Adds cultural value to the brand and enhances customer engagement.

Virtual Adventure Room

LED Light Show

  • Tool Used: VR
  • For adventure gear brands, a room where customers can virtually experience different terrains while testing products.
  • Impact: Builds excitement and provides an authentic product trial experience.
  • Tools Used: LEDs
  • A synchronized LED light show that aligns with brand colors and themes.
  • Impact: Creates a memorable sensory experience tied to the brand's identity.

Music Experience Room

Travel Around the World

  • Tools Used: VR, LED
  • A space where customers can virtually attend concerts featuring music genres associated with the brand.
  • Impact: Fosters community among brand enthusiasts and provides a unique in-store experience
  • Tools Used: VR
  • For travel agencies or global brands, a room where customers can virtually visit different destinations.
  • Impact: Builds excitement for travel packages or global products, driving sales and customer engagement.

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